Monday, April 02, 2007

Om Me Mine Om Me Mine Om Me Mine

Just finished an awesome article on, as the "shameless enlistment of yoga and elevated Eastern yogic philosophy for shamelessly material Western goals." From the March 21 issue of Slate. Writing for the New Texas Magazine, I could never put my finger on it as incisively as he does, dissecting a particularly creepy article author:

"...The final step in the great journey of self-understanding the Yoga Journal editors have force-marched her on is realizing it's all about her "relationship with herself." Whitney Houston yoga: I found the greatest love of all—Me! It's the return of New Age Me-generation narcissism. And there's nothing worse than narcissism posing as humility.

"Hey, if Buddhism and other Eastern traditions are about compassion, why not skip the scented bath, skip making amends with the self, skip realization of "the opportunity to embrace aparigraha or non-grasping." Instead, go down to the local soup kitchen or homeless shelter and help some people who don't have the resources to send flowers to themselves, people who actually need help. Rather than continuing the endless processes of anointing yourself with overly scented candlelit self-love."