Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Alanis Kicks it Ole Skool

AHHH! Oges sent me a YouTube link to Alanis Morissette's take on Fergie's "Lady Lumps." I died.

Who knew she had it in her? You can't tell me this isn't the funniest move on YouTube:

You're gonna lobe it, I can't explain.

OK, also, this reminds me of Ed Byrne's take on "Ironic:"

"There's nothing ironic about being stuck in a traffic jam when you're late for something. Unless you're a town planner. If you were a town planner and you were on your way to a seminar of town planners at which you were giving a talk on how you solved the problem of traffic congestion in your area, couldn't get to it because you were stuck in a traffic jam, that'd be well ironic."
"Rain on your wedding day is ironic only if marrying a weatherman and he set the date."
"A no-smoking sign on your cigarette break, that's inconsiderate office management. A no-smoking sign in a cigarette factory - irony."

Or Mo Rocca:

"Irony is the disparity between what you expect will happen and what does happen. So raining on your wedding day isn't ironic; it's just crappy. It would have been ironic if she had lived in a place like Seattle and traveled to the desert of Mexico for a wedding, and it ended up raining there, but not in Seattle. Alanis always gets the last laugh though. We all sit here, saying her song isn't ironic, but in fact, that's pretty ironic that she wrote a song called 'Ironic' that wasn't really ironic. Those Canadians are pretty crafty."