Monday, August 13, 2007

The Bloom Fades on the Turd Blossom

Genius Boy will soon arrive at his 800 ft² villa in Ingram, midway between Kerrville and Heart of the Hills. Look for him at the next folk fest, all tie-dyed and looped on Lone Star longnecks.

Meanwhile, in the words of the press:

"Karl Rove leaves the White House in anything but victory. Even some of his former lieutenants are apt, in private moments, to speak of Mr. Rove in tones of disappointment, disillusionment and no small amount of anger.

...(M)any wonder if a strategy aimed entirely at methodically identifying and stoking the party’s conservative base, with issues like gay marriage, abortion and terrorism, was ever a recipe for long-term political dominance, much less for governing a country." - Adam Nagourney, August 13, 2007, NY Times

"The Jack Abramoff affair. The mid-term elections defeat. The CIA spy leak. The firing of federal prosecutors. Mr Rove's name was dragged into a series of Republican scandals, but his precise role and responsibilities never revealed — and not without people trying to find out. He was questioned in front of a grand jury five times before prosecutors decided not to charge him in the CIA leak case.
During the trial of Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's chief of staff, who was eventually jailed for obstructing the investigaton, lawyers tried to pin the blame on Mr Rove but, as the Washington Post reported, "his job was never fully explained. His influence was never clearly defined." - Sam Knight, August 13, 2007, Times Online
"Rove has been the target of congressional scrutiny as he and other White House staffers have been subpoenaed by Congress to testify in the case of several fired U.S. attorneys. Rove served as Bush's political adviser last year as the president failed to overhaul U.S. immigration law and Democrats won control of Congress.

Other White House officials who left after the election include White House counselor Dan Bartlett, budget director Rob Portman, chief White House attorney Harriet Miers, political director Sara Taylor and deputy national security adviser J.D. Crouch. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld left his job immediately following the election, as the Iraq war's influence on voters became clear." -CNN, Aug 13 '07
"As people do better, they start voting like Republicans - unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing."
- Karl Rove
Undereducated Republican war profiteer, who will never be accused by anyone of being too much of a good thing.

(To be fair, he does have an honorary degree from Jerry Falwell’s Liberty Baptist University)