The world lost another Taliban Christian fundamentalist hatemonger today. I was going to snark away about the good Reverend, but while researching quotes, found the following letter instead. It's far more eloquent than anything I can come up with. Maddie Lear's the same age as Francesca, and blogs for I found this on the Huffington Post.
Dear Jerry Falwell,
We are writing this letter to inform you of our feelings about your actions, and how they conflict with the Buddha's teachings. We are in sixth grade, and as a part of our history class, we are learning about Ancient India and the Buddha. We have chosen to write to you as a project because your teachings about other faiths and lifestyles are hurtful, and against the Buddha......No apology will erase the amount of hate that you have caused and promoted throughout this world.
Also, you once said, "If you're not a born-again Christian, you are a failure as a human being." These remarks are hurtful, and completely disrespectful to the people of this world that are not exactly like you. We are not putting down your religion, simply encouraging you to respect other faiths and people, as well as your own.
The Buddha respected people of all religions. The Four Noble Truths inform us that, "suffering and sorrow are caused by people's greed, hatred, and ignorance." Also, "We can be freed from suffering by overcoming its cause." We feel that your hatred for people of other religions and lifestyles is unruly, and causing much sorrow and distress to the people of this country and the world.
We hope that our letter has made a difference in the way you will act and treat others. We ask you to treat every person in this world with respect, and peace.
Three Hopeful Sixth Grade Students