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Middle East Conflict Intensifies As Blah Blah Blah, Etc. Etc.
"...A certain number of U.S. troops were also killed somewhere in some tragic fashion, while a much greater number were wounded. Meanwhile, impoverished or oppressed supporters of whichever faction carried out the attack or ambush probably celebrated, angering an angry U.S. public that is already angry. Locals are calling for an investigation into excessive force or outright corruption by military or political officials on one of the 15 sides of the various conflicts, although the implicated party has categorically denied wrongdoing, just like they always do, without fail, every time this happens, which is daily, it seems.And in Afghanistan, the Taliban.
Yet another act of violence in
response to something else terrible
that occurred in, oh, let's say Basra.
...In an attempt to increase public support of whatever the f*** it is he thinks he's doing, President Bush trotted out the same old whoop-de-do you've heard over and over at a solemn-yet-resolute speech attended by soldiers, or religious leaders, or firemen, or some mix of ethnic-looking people from one of those countries.
'We have to give this plan time to wop bop a loo bop, a wop bam boom, ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang,' President Bush may as well have said. May God [help/bless/save] the United States of America.' "