Friday, January 09, 2009

One of Uncle Shannon's Christmas Gifts - Laurelwood Vinter Varmer

Got me a bottle from the Laurelwood brewpub. See, in Oregon, microbrewers can just bottle their beer and sell it to people. Texas microbrewers aren't allowed to do that, because Texas beer laws are written by gangsters the Alcohol Wholesalers Association

This marvelous winter ale had a heft to it - massive malt profile, with weighted chocolate and caramel mouthfeel. Weighing in at only 6.4% ABV, compared to common seasonals she was easy on the head while doing calesthenics in the mouth. 
Laurelwood Brewing Co. took the gold in the Munich Helles catagory, last GABF.  One of my favorite styles, and hard to get right. The Fredericksburg Brewing Co. is the only American brewery I know that really nails it - then again, their street signs are in German.
I loved it. Can you tell? My brother rocks.