Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Interview and Clever Student Loan Ditty

OK, yay, I have an interview tomorrow with a big blue company, so I've allowed myself a few minutes to post as a reward. That's what kinda geek I am - this is how I activate the dopamine. Sigh. Thanks for all your support. The Sharif don't like it, but you all rock (that vid was filmed in Austin, BTW, including the end scene at the old City Coliseum).

In full disclosure, I'll point out that I went to three different colleges - the first two were community flavored and cheaper than four years of beer and concert tickets combined. The last was UT, which I left a summer short of my English degree to start that vegetarian restaurant. UT's a state school, and in 1994 tuition and books cost me about a couple grand a year. So my entire federal student loan was $1000, which I paid off with dot bomb booty.

Matt Kresling did what I wish I could have done (swagger swagger, not true).