Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, Bill Hicks, Patton Oswalt, David Cross, George Carlin. We don't have sadhus in our Eurocentric culture, so we force them to become "comics."
The Sanskrit terms sādhu ("good man") and sādhvī ("good woman") refer to renouncers who have chosen to live a life apart from or on the edges of society in order to focus on their own spiritual practice.
The words come from the Sanskrit root sādh, which means "reach one's goal", "make straight", or "gain power over". The same root is used in the word sādhana, which means "spiritual practice".
- Wikipedia
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
7 Words and the Truth
Friday, June 20, 2008
Planning for Retirement
This is what I want to end up with - a nice piece of land, with some water, and a crop like this (if it'll make it through Texas summers):
Thursday, June 05, 2008
I Brewed (You're Doing It Wrong)
Last batch was a supra-malt gem of a Munich Caramel Vienne beer so delicious I drank pretty much the whole thing by myself in 3 weeks. (Yeah, well, plus I had New Job stress. Don't do the math.)
Attempting to reproduce it, I bought most of the same ingredients, only using Safale S-33 instead of their dry version of American 1056 (jargonoff alert: this is yeast talk). Plus 2 oz. of black market fresh Cascade hops.
Beer glass alarmingly low. Last of the last batch from a bottle I stashed in the back of the cupboard. Some people don't drink while brewing, as a rule. Good on ya, and go 'head knock your bad ass self out with that, I say.
So far so good. Shortly after this photo was taken, it starts to go all Mars Climate Orbiter on me.
Litany of errors:
- Using the late-addition method, I added the 1 lb. of extract with burners on full blast. Expected pot-blackening hilarity ensued.
- Boil complete, I cranked up the wort chiller, and while cleaning up a little, discovered the rest of the malt extract.
- By now she's cooled to about 150 degrees. So I switch off the hose, and light the burners again, in an attempt to boil the syrup for 15 minutes.
- After 10 minutes, things seem quiet. Too quiet. Sure enough: out of fuel.
See that white container, on top of the empty propane tank? 5 pounds of spaced malted barley syrup.
Anyhoosle, managed to wrap it up 2 hours later than usual, which means 2 extra hours of sorrows-drowning opportunities. Painful day at the office seemingly immediately followed.
But hey - that yeast finished in 3 days. I know. Kegged it last week, and am now clarifying by draining the sediment off the first few glasses. Pretty ding dang yummy so far. Watch here for updates.