Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Woke Up This Morning, New Kind of Music in My Head

Since I was a kid, I've caught myself saying things like, “you know, my Grandfather said, 'if you stay awake long enough, you learn something new every day.'” He said no such thing, I'm the one who said that, but it sounds more wisdomy if I attibute it to an old person. My Grandfather did say that the difference between a good haircut and a bad one is three days. That's according to my Mom; he died before I was born. My point is, I found a new music thing today, and I'm shocked I was awake long enough for it.

"Math Rock" - who's heard of this? I was downloading my 25 free mp3s from some emusic site, and saw it as a genre description of a band that sounded interesting (Don Caballero). Searching for that, I read this description on Eptonic.com:

"Take the intricacy and complexity of classic weirdo hard rock bands like Rush and Voivod, then add some of punk's hyperspasmodic schizophrenia, and you'll have a legitimate math rock contender. Math rock bands take pleasure in being erratic and unpredictable, often experimenting with peculiar tempos and jazz-derived rhythms while keeping the rock hard and aggressive all the while. Their lyrics tend to be as cerebral and expertly designed as their songs. These bands are rock's architects of the future, recrafting and reinventing the genre's tired song structures."

Really? That sounds like the only kind of music I like to listen to, with any real enjoyment.

So, as of today I listen exclusively to math rock. Until I get as sick of it as I am of Zappa and Phish and 80s Rush and Crimson.

Not as open-minded as you though I was, am I, hippie?